Edu-03 Technology and communication in education

                                                                   MCQ.                                                                                       Topic :  Tele conference
 Unit.  : Introduction to educational technology
 Name: Mubeena.A.M

1)Teleconferencing is most commonly used for people who are separated by ? 
         a)Geography.                  b)Age
          c)Gender.                      c)class             Ans :(a)

2)which of the following is NOT a common use of teleconference ?

    a)Audio conferencing.     b)video conferencing
     c) computer conferencing d) virtual reality conferencing.   Ans :(d)

3)video conference provide ____________  channel of nonverbal communication compared to audio conferencing ?

      a)Less.                 b)the same

       c)Greater.            d)No.                       Ans :c

4)Skype offers free calls or video conferencing between internet connected is an example of?

        a)iPTV.                           b) Really simple syndication

         c)Instant messaging.  d)Voice over IP.                  Ans : d

5)In which of these people with similar interests contribute with  their  knowledge ?

       a)Seminar.            b)Conference

       c)Symposium.      d)Convention.                    And :b

6)who is known as  the father of modern media education ?

       a)Flanders.            b) Edgar Dale
       c)Erickson.            d)Charles Babbage.            Ans :  b

7)Medium which sends information from source to receiver is called ?

       a)Transmitter.          b) Transmission channel

       c)Optic fiber.            d)Receiver.                                Ans :b

8)Method that is used to communicate information to far off places instantly is called ?

         a)Mis communication.         b)Telecommunication

        c)Information technology.    d)Electro magnetic
                                                                   Communication.        Ans : d

9)To store data permanently in computer we use ?

         a)Primary memory.        b)Temporary memory

        c)Secondary memory.     d)Variable memory.             Ans : b

10)  Which was the first district wide e_literacy project in India ?

          a) C _DIT.           b)IT @ school

          c) NIC.                d)Akshaya.                  Ans : d



